Saturday, April 12, 2014

Relationships and validation

I recognize that there are aspects of my self that feel much more strengthened, accepted, and empowered, when their Existence is validated by the other. Within the construct of my self I have many wounded parts still seeking outwardly for their right to live, love be loved, and be celebrated. These parts deeply fear that they will be abandoned if they truly allow themselves to be loved, cared for, and supported in actualizing their most authentic in the moment expression. They fear the inevitable death of the world and circumstances that have allowed them to stay small, hide, and not take full responsibility for creating the experience they are having.

When I resist relationship I resist connection to myself, source, and all those that I dance with on the path of life. I deny myself the awareness, and in that denial of awareness, I relinquish the nourishment and love that is available to me in every moment through the realization that at the base, the experience of my “self” is never truly separated from source.

It's hard to just accept that in every moment the connection we desire is available to us. Can we sit in full appreciation and welcoming of our aloneness while noticing the simultaneous arising of the interconnection and inherent communion of all life?

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