Saturday, April 12, 2014

You are the creator of your reality

I imagine the moment when you start believing that you can accomplish anything.

Where your deepest dreams and desires are no longer distant memories, but living landscapes within your present world.

The moment that you realize and begin living from the awareness that you are the creator of your reality and every choice you make is not only felt within your world, but ripples out to impact and transform the collective world.

When you realize the only limitations you have are the ones you have created and chosen to believe.

The moment where you become truly free.

No longer sleepwalking through life, but making the conscious choice to wake-walk through this ever unfolding dream that is life, that is Being.


I visualize  a time where those seen as other" or different are no longer perceived as a threat, but as teachers and instruments of greater awareness and wisdom.

I visualize a time where we are collectively helping each other in our striving for individual greatness.
Where we are in full support of empowering the expression of our unique gifts.

A time in which our sexuality, desire, skin color, and sexual and gender identity are not taboo, but celebrated and expressed as a testament to our exquisite humanity and incredible capacity to love.

I visualize the moment when we realize that our body is a sacred temple of unfathomable wisdom.

The moment when we stop, slow down, breathe, and realize all we have to do is listen and our pathway will always be illuminated.

I visualize the moment in which you realize you are in love and the heart wrenching ecstasy and disbelief that for the first time someone loves you just as much as you love them.

The moment that we realize we will never be truly abandoned and all we have to do is be here, and lovingly embrace whatever experience we are having.

Easier said than done, right?

I Imagine

As I sit here, I imagine the vapors of my breath drifting up into the infinite ocean of the sky painting it with the tears of my sorrows.

I Imagine what it would feel like to feel vibrant, healthy, unrestricted, and pain-free, in my body.

And what it would be like to love myself, I mean really love myself. The kind of love in which every cell of my being thunderously proclaims you are beautiful and loved just as you are.

And, that space of untethered inner peace and acceptance is no longer just a fairy tale, but a lived reality, even in the moments of greatest suffering.

I imagine what it would be like when my imperfections became my greatest strengths.

When my scars become medals of honor as a testament to my humanity and courage.

When my inner beauty is as valued as my outer beauty.

I imagine a time in which our fears are embraced as the guides that they are.

A time where we are no longer hiding behind a costume or masks for fear of being truly seen and felt; for fear of feeling the fierceness and truth of how powerful we really are.

I imagine a time in which you actually dance like nobody's watching because nobody is watching, since they are so surrendered to their own ecstatic expression. And if they are watching it is because they are so overwhelmed and inspired by how beautiful you are.

I imagine a time when we are working together as a species to honor the earth as our mother, to tend and care for her as if she were our own.

The power of a relationship

The power of love
 In seeing and feeling ourselves through the other we will not only be shown our inherent basic goodness, but we will also witness the shadow aspects of ourselves that have been lurking within the unconscious yearning to be reclaimed and re-integrated.

When faced with those that show us our shadow do we run from them or do we make a choice to dance with and actually be in connection and communication with that which we fear most about ourselves?

I want to make a commitment to surrender to being vulnerable and learning to love the parts that even intensely polarize me to the other. I have realized that this polarity is a reflection of the resistance I have in accepting myself in someway. And in that polarity I have discovered that there is incredible wisdom and depths of connection just waiting to be tasted.

At the base, our “goals" in love won’t be truly realized without a simultaneous devotion to the path of unconditional self-love. For that is a gateway to unfathomable connection and sacred union. And one day you may discover that the actual realization of your goals in love, are that there are no goals. And, it is your complete surrender to being fully and completely with whatever aspect of your experience and relationship that is arising to be explored that will actually birth the connection you have been searching for all along.

Fear of our unconscious

Part of the beauty of our humanness is that we have the ability to be messy and it is often our most unskillful moments and suffering that results in a deeper unveiling of our unconscious aspects. This includes the shadow and the parts that we fear to expose and fear will never be loved or accepted.

On a path of complete isolation from human interaction, we can only go so far as to heal our wounds and especially our attachment wounds on our own. As a unified energetic organism pulsating with life, we thrive when we are in contact and relationship and open into greater dimensions of understanding through the gift of our relatedness.

When we have an opportunity to create real human connection and relationship, what gets in the way of our full reception of the experience?

Another’s love, interest, care, and even conflict, friction, or animosity, can not only illuminate the ways in which we most desire to be cared for and loved, but show us the places in which we aren’t fully honoring and loving ourselves.

Communication and secrets

We are always in communication with one another, no matter what we try to hide. In life, there really are no secrets. I find that I do a disservice to not only myself, but those that that I am in relationship with when I am not transparent about my needs, desires, essential truths and boundaries. Yet, I have noticed sometimes when I don’t receive the response within the interaction or connection I initially wanted, that experience can be a powerful catalyst for deepening my awareness on what my actual desires or needs are within the relationship.

If I don’t allow myself to freeze or shut down when a wound is triggered and I invite myself to open to all that I am feeling, I can transcend into a space where the initial need or desire seeking to be met by the other, is now being met and actualized by me. From this new ground of awareness I can make a choice and discern truly how I would actually like to relate.

Do I want to relate from a place in which I am seeking externalized attention or validation because I myself feel empty or incomplete without other, or am I moving from a place of grounded clarity through my practice of learning to attune to my own inner voice of wisdom that is showing me exactly how to nourish and love myself?

Personally, I am continuously working towards the latter, of nourishing my own fullness so that it is the overflow of my fullness that dances and naturally invites in a potent space of relatedness and connection with grace and ease. When I continuously honor that space of deep listening, I am never led astray. I am only led onto pathways that will support the growth and the continued cracking open of my authentic expression.

Relationships and validation

I recognize that there are aspects of my self that feel much more strengthened, accepted, and empowered, when their Existence is validated by the other. Within the construct of my self I have many wounded parts still seeking outwardly for their right to live, love be loved, and be celebrated. These parts deeply fear that they will be abandoned if they truly allow themselves to be loved, cared for, and supported in actualizing their most authentic in the moment expression. They fear the inevitable death of the world and circumstances that have allowed them to stay small, hide, and not take full responsibility for creating the experience they are having.

When I resist relationship I resist connection to myself, source, and all those that I dance with on the path of life. I deny myself the awareness, and in that denial of awareness, I relinquish the nourishment and love that is available to me in every moment through the realization that at the base, the experience of my “self” is never truly separated from source.

It's hard to just accept that in every moment the connection we desire is available to us. Can we sit in full appreciation and welcoming of our aloneness while noticing the simultaneous arising of the interconnection and inherent communion of all life?

On Love, Relationships, and Being: An Unfolding Dialogue

I’ve become aware of the fact that we grow with each person we meet, and simultaneously we sometimes don’t realize how we have been impacted, changed, or shaped by those that we connect with. I don’t think there are ever any chance meetings. It’s almost if we draw other people into our lives so we can see ourselves more clearly, so we can see that we are inherently source. We want our uniqueness to be celebrated and we don’t want to share in the celebration of our human experience alone.

Sometimes, when left to our own devices we don’t realize that all experience is relationship. We deny ourselves certain experiences because we don’t feel it’s the relationship that we should be having or we don’t recognize it because it doesn’t emulate what we are familiar with.

We search for those we can get messy with, those people that we can be completely human with and expose the parts of ourselves that are both fertile and overflowing with great wisdom and nourishment even in the most profound pain and ecstasy. We look for another to open the doorway to our soul, to expose the incredible power of our true nature. So much of the time we fear opening the doorway ourselves. We want a partner to walk with us into the places that we couldn’t bear to be alone.

I feel that it is my duty to open myself to “learning” each person I meet inside and out and to open myself to being truly and deeply felt. What are we truly afraid of when we are vulnerable and have the opportunity to deeply connect?What are we really afraid to see and feel?

When someone takes the initiative and shows a sincere interest and desire to connect and nourish the seeds of relationship by taking the time to get to know me inside and out, I feel not only deeply honored, but that I am essentially loved, seen, and that I matter.

Resolve your frustration

Today a friend of mine shared that she was feeling some frustration and upset around interactions with a fellow coworker that seem to be ongoing in the work environment. I suggested that she try practicing tonglen. Tonglen is the simple act of breathing in the pain and/or suffering of another person, situation, or even your own pain and/or suffering that is representative of the suffering of the collective.

It is a gift to remember that we are never alone in what we are feeling. In times of our darkest struggle, is it possible that we could open to the notion that there have been billions of other beings that have felt the same way at one time? And, that in moments of your deepest pain, fear, sadness, love, joy, and ecstasy, that there are many others not necessarily in the same space, or even on the same continent, that are feeling that same way.

I have found this to be a beautiful practice that has been really useful in my day-to-day life, especially when I am feeling frustrated by something or I am having trouble fully facing the extent of that which I am feeling and experiencing within myself and in the larger field of my external life.

Somebody once wisely expressed that one of the most challenging things one can do is to practice tonglen with someone you feel triggered by or someone that you even perceive as an enemy. I often ask myself, what are they showing me that I don't wish to see within me?

It is often easy to forget that when we judge others we are only judging ourselves. What better way to transmute the energy of the situation and bring us into direct contact with the unveiled truth of our experience by breathing in someone's pain or the pain of a situation, even on a global level and breathing out love. It is a humbling heart cracking open practice and can often be extremely challenging, but also very rewarding.

The more that we allow ourselves to feel, the more we can actually be in connection with our selves and one another.

Freedom and Experience

Freedom is Experience and when we are resisting Experience we are resisting Life, which is All there is.

A spiritual movement.

A spiritual movement.
A shift.
Spirituality is a large and very extensive item . One calls the floating and the other lives his life in a spiritual way . Beyond that I feel and think every person do that in some degree, it would well be that every person is the experience in a unique way and that is good.
Will this blog then go on spirituality in itself with a certain message ?
No, that's at least not my intent.
Any outlet ?
Hmm, that may well be so, that I can not rule out .
In other words, this blog is all directions and everyone is welcome !
No purpose and no direction . Just a presence in a kind of expression and a different kind of expression.
So an expression in written language become adorned with images, sounds , and other forms of communication.
The only thing is that I 'm curious as to where it will eventually lead or not lead .
Quite possible that this will be a monologue or a one - person show as the word already been called.
Quite possibly the beginning of a certain kind of creation can be.
We'll see.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Dive deeply into the well of your full potential.

Stop, brake, slow down, take a breath. When we entitle our own persons to slow down and harmonize to what's currently here in our experience, an infinite doorway of potentiality becomes available to us. Our inner voice of authority finally finds the vehicle through which to express itself. With our truth recognized and honored, we can begin to live from the deep well of our own fullness.