Saturday, April 12, 2014

A spiritual movement.

A spiritual movement.
A shift.
Spirituality is a large and very extensive item . One calls the floating and the other lives his life in a spiritual way . Beyond that I feel and think every person do that in some degree, it would well be that every person is the experience in a unique way and that is good.
Will this blog then go on spirituality in itself with a certain message ?
No, that's at least not my intent.
Any outlet ?
Hmm, that may well be so, that I can not rule out .
In other words, this blog is all directions and everyone is welcome !
No purpose and no direction . Just a presence in a kind of expression and a different kind of expression.
So an expression in written language become adorned with images, sounds , and other forms of communication.
The only thing is that I 'm curious as to where it will eventually lead or not lead .
Quite possible that this will be a monologue or a one - person show as the word already been called.
Quite possibly the beginning of a certain kind of creation can be.
We'll see.

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